During my time in The Simple Sum, I produced a bunch of videos with the team with the purpose of helping Gen Z and Millennials make better personal finance decisions.
This includes explaining concepts like ESG Investing, CPF and even investigative pieces like - “Can my MBTI Type really determine my own investing style?”
Do Those With Same MBTI Personality Type Invest The Same Way?
An investigative piece based on a research done by Krysten Merriman - Do people of the same personality types invest in the same manner? We interviewed 11 people to find out whether how they invest matches up with the research.
Main Role: Producer, Animator, Editor, Scriptwriter
How To Kickstart Your Investment Journey
In this video, we asked an investment expert the lowdown on investing. Specifically tailored to our audience who have not started investing.
Main Role: Producer, Animator, Editor
Random Stock Pickers Vs SG Fund Managers
A fun content piece that finds the team recreating a stock-picking contest involving a cat, a group of students and professional fund managers.
Main Role: Co-Producer, Animator